Inovalley Services
develop your skills
Training & Continuing Information
inovallée, Qualiopi certified training organization
Organisme de formation déclaré et certifié Qualiopi en 2021, inovallée peut répondre à vos besoins en formation dans des thématiques diversifiées : langues étrangères, management, ressources humaines. Nous pouvons monter des sessions sur-meure en inter-entreprise.
Our training can be financed by OPCOs thanks to this certification.

Nos formations
Cycle "Actualités en Droit Social/Pratiques RH"
"Contrat de Travail/Forfait jours"
"La CSRD, outil pour piloter votre stratégie RSE"
"Anticiper et préparer sa retraite sereinement"
Regulatory training
in initial & recycling
inovallée helps you fulfill your legal obligations

« Bon équilibre théorique/pratique, formation dynamique » => LA 09/09/24
« Le formateur est secouriste et a une approche pratique qui me satisfait » => SGA 09/09/24
« Formateur dynamique et connaissant son sujet » => CF 03/10/24
Boost your knowledge
thanks to the inovallée training plan & numerous thematic workshops
Whatever your status, your situation or the size of your business, professional training is a universal right in France and a major issue for business performance.
It constitutes a decisive element in being an actor in your professional life, in particular by promoting adaptability to workstations, increasing skills and mobility.
For years, inovallée has been working alongside you through its training service and offers you:
- regulatory training
- transversal training / skills base
- un accompagnement personnalisé sur votre projet de formation
We regularly organize thematic workshops and conferences to encourage the sharing of experience and inform you about the key themes at the heart of your professions.
Zoom on the personal training account
to reorient your career and choose for yourself
Since 2015, a personal training account (CPF) has been open to any person, employee or job seeker, from the age of 16 (15 when an apprenticeship contract is signed) until retirement. With the ambition of contributing, at the initiative of the person themselves, to maintaining employability and securing their professional career, the CPF allows any active person to acquire training rights that can be used throughout their career. of his professional life.
Know your rights
and the amount you can claim..
Discover eligible training courses
certifying or qualifying
Redirect your career
or anticipate your professional future
shared services for businesses
A set of offers proposed by inovallée

Negotiated purchases
inovallée centralizes and pools purchases and offers you a wide choice of supplies and furniture

IT recycling
6 times a year, take advantage of the collection of electronic equipment and give it a second life