Our partners
inovallée, the strength of the network
Committed partners
Who put their skills at the service of leaders
In addition to the numerous volunteers who are committed to the Board of Directors and the permanent team at the service of its members, the association relies on trusted partners who put their skills at the service of the leaders and their teams.
A strong partnership strategy with different categories of stakeholders
Key partners to support our actions of general interest and build future projects
Innovation ecosystem
Key players with whom we carry out daily actions
Private partners
A network of trusted partners who provide expertise and financial support
University and major schools
Relay partners to facilitate your recruitment (internships, work-study students, young graduates)
Without them, nothing would be possible!
Local authorities
They support our missions of general interest in the service of the territory

Vice-President Grenoble Alpes Métropole
Grenoble-Alpes Métropole works alongside Grésivaudan and the inovallée association to strengthen the attractiveness of the technopole and consolidate the positioning of inovallée around two pillars: technological orientation and quality of life at work.
To continue to attract technological and innovative activities and enable their development, one of the key challenges for inovallée is to promote mixed programming in the real estate operations of new businesses and those undergoing rehabilitation, with a range of workshops and laboratories in addition to offices.
In a context of scarcity of economic land, the urban renewal of inovallée must rethink the typologies of real estate programs to allow the industry to develop, with production possibilities on floors, while retaining the campus spirit and the green lung of the inovallée which are the strength of the technology park.
The attractiveness of the site and the ability of stakeholders to develop projects also come from the quality of the ecosystem and its animation supported by the inovallée association and of which Grenoble-Alpes Métropole has been a long-term partner.

Jean-François CLAPPAZ
Vice-President Community of Communes of Grésivaudan
The economic gateway to the Grésivaudan valley since 1986, the date of its extension to Montbonnot, Inovallée has truly irradiated the territory with its technological footprint. The technology park carries high the colors of excellence in terms of innovation and development of the digital sphere and new technologies. Inovallée companies, thanks to collaborations with research laboratories, universities and major engineering schools, have been able to attract numerous talents from around the world, making our valley a true multicultural and multidisciplinary melting pot. Strengthened by the extraordinary capacity of its companies to question the challenges and issues of tomorrow, Inovallée has lastingly shaped the economic face of Grésivaudan, and has undoubtedly participated through its influence and its attractiveness, both geographical and scientific, to the establishment of the finest flagships of the French semiconductor industry. Attracting like a magnet all the productive and innovative intelligence serving the industries of the future, an undisputed breeding ground for companies driven by the same desire to participate in the construction of the world of tomorrow, this “extraordinary” zone of activity has contributed to the growth of Grésivaudan and Grenoble-Alpes, its local areas, but also the influence of French excellence in research and development.

Philippe CARDIN
Mayor of Meylan
The innovative technology park structures development and contributes to the dynamism of our town for 50 years. More broadly, it represents one of the economic lungs of Grenoble-Alpes Métropole. We are committed to preserving the exceptional framework offered to businesses by our park city, through land policy and improving access to public transport in particular, and continuing collaboration with businesses to promote innovation and integration into our territory.

Dominique BONNET
Mayor of Montbonnot St Martin
The City of Montbonnot has always mobilized to defend the pioneering technopolitan vision of inovallée, and has been able, even in difficult periods when it would have been easy to give in to the siren song, to stay the course of its technological vocation. The current success of the Bonimontain slope, with its 114 companies and 6,000 jobs, demonstrates that we were right to believe in the potential of innovation as a driver of economic development. Tomorrow more than today, startups, and particularly industrial ones, will contribute to French sovereignty and inovallée will undoubtedly play a capital role in this future.
Our private partners
They support our missions of supporting managers and businesses

Banque Populaire AURA
With its NEXT INNOV sector, entirely dedicated to innovative companies, it was logical for BP AURA, already a historic partner of inovallée, to renew and strengthen its support for Tarmac entrepreneurs.
Our innovation advisors are thus as close as possible to the incubated startups, and we are proud to have accompanied and supported numerous projects in 10 years, from the start of their activity at Tarmac, with all the tools and skills necessary to meet their growth challenges.

Our desire is to put our expertise (Consulting, Auditing, law and taxation) at the service of the creation, growth and sustainability of companies of all sizes.
This partnership with inovallée allows us to be a trusted and proximity to support Tarmac entrepreneurs with all the legal, tax and accounting specificities of innovative companies, at each of the key stages of their development, from creation to M&A.

Agent Général ALLIANZ
Contacted by inovallée to become a Tarmac insurance partner, I naturally agreed to support and get involved in this great project. It’s a fantastic opportunity to meet innovative companies and committed and passionate creators. A privilege to provide them with solutions to their insurance issues through a tailor-made and personalized approach. And a pleasure to support startups with varied profiles over time.

Laurent DUVIC
Having created 2 incubators dedicated to growth companies, and developed a start-up acceleration sector within a regional bank, the choice to become a Tarmac partner is by no means a coincidence. It is clearly the fruit of a true relationship, always reliable over time, committed to local entrepreneurship, which aims to be caring but above all professional to provide the best level of services to young start-ups in the region. I share these values on a daily basis and without bias with the men and women who work with commitment and conviction within the Tarmac!

BNP Paribas
BNP was the first bank to create an innovation unit, and it was in inovallée that the WAI center was born to target the needs of startups. Innovation files require a specific approach, especially in Grenoble, where the very technological nature with a strong hardware component very quickly requires the same capital requirements as a mature company, with prospects of strong fundraising and rapid deployment. internationally. We co-finance many projects with BP AURA and it therefore seemed logical to us to become a partner of Tarmac.
Nos partenaires annonceurs
who support the publication of our economic observatory

Nos partenaires opérationnels
They cooperate with us to support our businesses
Clusters, actors of economic development and innovation, accelerators, competitiveness poles…
inovallée works hand in hand with all the vice forces of the Grenoble ecosystem
to support the growth of businesses and jobs on its territory.